All European scientific articles to be freely accessible by 2020

Open access means that scientific publications on the results of research supported by public and public-private funds must be freely accessible to everyone. That is not yet the case. The results of publicly funded research are currently not accessible to people outside universities and knowledge institutions. As a result, teachers, doctors and entrepreneurs do not Read more about All European scientific articles to be freely accessible by 2020[…]

Indian Science Congress doing well.

There were a lot of controversies generated at the Indian Science Congress earlier this month, including claims of ancient aircraft in India, the use of plastic surgery there, and ways to divine underground water sources using herbal paste on the feet. One argument that could be tested using some form of evidence was the assertion Read more about Indian Science Congress doing well.[…]

Instant disposable Gmail addresses

Let’s say you need to sign up for a mailing list that interests you, but you’re afraid spammers might get your address. We’ll call the list “exoticflowers”. Sign up with the list using the address “”. Email to that address will still come to your “” address even though the “To:” will include that “+exoticflowers” Read more about Instant disposable Gmail addresses[…]

Iraqi Treasury Gets Partial Refund on Magic Wands

Some refer to these as “ADE-651 bomb detectors,” but those people are crooks, like Jim McCormick, the head of the British company that sold them. He was arrested last year for fraud (but is currently out on bail). What he sold the Iraqis, and many others, was – literally – a plastic handle with a Read more about Iraqi Treasury Gets Partial Refund on Magic Wands[…]

Judge issues arrest warrant for Darth Vader

A judge has demanded a Darth Vader impersonator be dragged before him after he succumbed to the Dark Side, attacked two Jedi with a metal crutch, and failed to show up for the resulting court appearance on an assault rap. According to the Telegraph, Arwel Wynne Jones interrupted an outdoors TV interview* with brothers Barney Read more about Judge issues arrest warrant for Darth Vader[…]

Do Not Reply

Someone has registered and has a catchall email adress. The mails he receives come from everywhere, including pdf files detailing with computers in banks are unpatched and for what vulnerabilities; from the government; TSA; etc etc. He posts a few of them and some excerpts on the website.